Barrett J.
Environmental Scientist and Natural Resource Specialist with over 15 years of experience conducting resource surveys, reporting analyses, preparing NEPA documents, environmental permitting, and overseeing environmental compliance and monitoring on large and small projects located on federal and private lands (solar, gas, electric, water, mining, telecom, mitigation, restoration). A USFWS authorized desert tortoise biologist in Nevada, California, and Utah with extensive experience conducting field flora and fauna evaluations in the western U.S. Adept with Mojave ecosystem; desert tortoise, Mojave reptiles, migratory birds, burrowing owl, Mojave botanical resources, wetland delineations, endemic, invasive, and sensitive (T&E) species inventories, sampling and recording surface hydrology and research studies.
Demonstrated successes, ranging from preparing winning proposals, project level planning and execution, maintaining budgeted deliverables, sustained Agency satisfaction and client retention, to preparing project summary reports and environmental impact statements.
Master of Science, Environmental Science, APU
Thesis, Sustainable Environmental Policy and Management
Bachelor of Science, Zoology, MU (OH)
Minor in Botanical Ecology
Invenergy, Southern NV, 2020. Compliance Inspector. Contractor for development of a 640 acre, 110 megawatt Solar facility. Responsible for keeping the project in compliance with the ESA and other federal acts during development of the site. Provided daily and weekly communications to BLM and owner representatives for the facility.
Yuma 3 and 10/27, AZ, 2019-2020. Performed Avian surveys for the project and conducted compliance inspection oversite on staff monitors for USACE.
Marine Corps Air to Ground Combat Center, CA. 2019-2020. Provided predator control surveys for the center, acting as avian biologist and predator biologist on active base.
Navy Seal Base, CA. 2020. Provided environmental compliance surveys for local sensitive species and inspection for upgrades to the active training center. Acquired approved access with security badging and worked alongside UXO teams during ground breaking.
Gateway West, WY, 2018-2020. Aided in preparation of winning proposal and Plan of Development, provided project logistics, staff mentoring, and acted as Avian biologist, reclamation specialist, and Environmental compliance inspector during construction for Rocky Mountain Power and Pacific Corp of the 300 mile 500 KV transmission line spanning central Wyoming.
Coeur Mining, Northern NV, 2018. Assisted Coeur with a valley wide hydrographic resource permitting and surveys. Mr. Scurlock managed the initial field helicopter surveys which included; GIS collector application, helicopter assisted water sampling, wetland mapping, flow measurements, reports, and a basin wide catalogue of springs and perennial streams in Northern, NV.
West Wide, section 368 Energy Corridors- WAPA, 1/2017-6/2019. Prepared agency guidebook for utilizing over 5000 miles of energy corridors in the Western United States. The guidebook interprets Interagency Operating Procedures, applicable congressional acts, ROW permitting, and best management practices for non-governmental agencies, state/federal agencies, Tribal, and Department of Defense.
Valley Electric Association (VEA) Community Solar Energy Project, NV, 06/2015-Present. Assisted VEA by managing and implementing the requirements of the Habitat Conservation Plan for that project, including all worker training, biological surveys, translocations and husbandry of desert tortoises, and monitoring of effects of that project in regards to vegetation and Avian mortalities. Mr. acted as the designated biologist of the solar site in Pahrump, NV, managing crews of 8 during active construction compliance.
Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT), Environmental Compliance Inspector NV, 2015-2019. Mr. Scurlock was the lead authorized desert tortoise biologist for environmental compliance inspections on projects to rebuild over 60 miles of highway in southern Nevada. Barrett is managing and implementing desert tortoise clearance surveys, construction compliance inspections, sensitive plant and nesting bird surveys, and oversight of project compliance during fencing, plant salvaging, and highway construction with field crews of 6.
Great Basin Transmission and NV Energy, ON Line Transmission Line Environmental Management, NV, 04/2011-12/2015. Mr. Scurlock was a crew chief for this project, which provided environmental compliance inspection for construction of a single-circuit 500 kV overhead transmission line designed to deliver electricity between Ely and Las Vegas, Nevada. Conducted compliance monitoring and pre-construction resource surveys for desert tortoises, migratory birds, cultural resources, and other resources. Mr. Scurlock carried out the policies and practices for conducting desert tortoise surveys and implementing the terms and conditions of related biological opinions, and was responsible for the implementation of those practices by over 50 HDR staff and subcontractors. The rotating field staff consisted of 10 environmental monitors, 15 archaeologists, and 20 biologists, including Mr. Scurlock as a crew chief and authorized desert tortoise biologist.
Ten West 500-kV Transmission Line, AZ, 06/2015-06/2019. Assisted with development, engineering, and permitting of the 500-kV transmission line in west-central Arizona. Conducted baseline environmental surveys and prepared baseline reports, developing preliminary engineering, and assisting with rights of ways and environmental permitting. Mr. Scurlock has assisted in conducting surveys for Sonoran Desert tortoises and other biological resources.
Nevada Cogeneration Replacement Wells, Apex NV. 12/2015-04/2016. Assisted Quantum Utility Generation with site characterization, well design, and construction compliance during drilling of two replacement wells and associated infrastructure near Apex, Nevada. Mr. Scurlock managed the compliance inspection of biological resources and compliance with the ESA for this project.
NDOT, Project Neon. Clark County, NV 4/2017.. Conducted avian, wetland assessments, and catalogued J.D. waterways for project neon, improvements to the I-15 corridor.
ARES Nevada LLC, Nevada Regulation Energy Management Project, 04/2014. Subcontracted through BEC Environmental to provide an authorized desert tortoise biologist during surveys for a proposed 8-mile rail/renewable energy project in Pahrump, NV. Mr. Scurlock led the desert tortoise surveys for that project and trained 2 BEC staff.
Valley Electric Association (VEA), Infrastructure Development and Monitoring, NV, 01/2013–present. Provided support to VEA during the design, construction, and operation of transmission lines and other electrical infrastructure in southern Nevada. Mr. Scurlock and other biologists in southern Nevada have conducted preconstruction surveys for desert tortoises, sensitive plants, and other biological resources, and have prepared biological assessments, environmental assessment, and other compliance documents to assist VEA in obtaining BLM rights of way grants and complying with environmental regulations.
Barrick Gold of North America, Gold Rush, Hydrologic surveys, Eureka and Lander Counties, NV. 2014-present . Conducted long term hydrological monitoring for Barrick exploration, cataloguing wetlands, delineating, and sampling spring and surface water sites for multiple parameters (NDEP II) and preparing samples for lab analysis on properties in central Nevada to support future permitting with the BLM and support analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
UDOT Uinta Basin Environmental Study, UT, 04/2014-2019. Performed an environmental baseline study to evaluate alternative rail routes into and through the Uintah Basin of eastern Nevada and Utah. Mr. Scurlock conducted wetland delineation surveys and hydrological analysis along 120 miles of alternative rails routes for this project and logged sage grouse data for wildlife survey team.
Hycroft Mine, 06/2014, Field Botanist. Provided threatened and endangered species reporting for Hycroft Mine expansion proposals and maintaining noxious weed compliance for the mine. Mr. Scurlock led and conducted the rare plant surveys for the expansions and documented noxious weeds occurrences.
Valley Electric Association, Vista to Charleston Transmission Line, 02/2014–present. Conducted environmental surveys and prepared a Plan of Development, Biological Assessment, Environmental Assessment, and other required analyses for development of a transmission line in Pahrump, NV. Mr. Scurlock conducted surveys for desert tortoises, noxious weeds, and sensitive plant species along the transmission line and is assisting with development of the Environmental Assessment and other environmental compliance documents.
Bonneville Power Administration, BPA PDCI Upgrade NEPA Support, WA-OR-ID, 06/2014. Contracted by Bonneville Power Administration to provide environmental support for the Pacific Direct Current Intertie (PDCI) Upgrade. Developed an Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the proposed upgrade of the DC intertie in Nevada and Oregon (265 miles). Performed a functional assessment and prepared a delineation report for all impacted wetlands. Mr. Scurlock conducted botanical surveys along a majority of this transmission line.
Valley Electric Association, Noxious Weed Surveys. Innovation to Mercury 138 KV project,01/ 2014-present. Mr. Scurlock conducts monthly inventories of noxious weeds along a 138 kV transmission line in southern Nevada and prepares monitoring reports required by the Bureau of Land Management and Department of Energy
Devers to Palo Verde Transmission II, CA, 05/2012-01/2013, NBC field contact representative biologist. Detailed to train and field questions of NBC contractors while surveying for desert tortoise (DT), burrowing owl, raptors, migratory/nesting birds, desert big horn sheep, kit fox, Coachella valley fringe toed lizard (CVFTL), and Stephens’ kangaroo rat (SKR) during the construction of SCE’s 278 mile 500KV transmission line (DPV2). Selected, trained, and carried out helicopter assisted surveys and compliance inspections for PAR, Baxter, and Crux in mountainous/ chaparral San Bernardino Nat’l Forest. Experienced conducting field work with sky crane, vertal, k-max, A-star, and 500 aircraft and PAR helicopter certification training.
AT&T and Verizon Communications Towers , AZ-CA-NV-NM-UT-WY, 01/2013-present, Avian Biologist. Preformed assessments on new tower site locations, maintenance activities, and general construction for AT&T cellular communications team. Conducted avian surveys in CA, NV, and AZ.
Southern California Gas Company Line 2000 improvements,02/2010-05/2011, Primary field biologist. Conducted desert tortoise, kit fox, avian, botanical, CVFTL, and reptile surveys and compliance inspections during a 2-mile improvement to a 36” SCG transmission pipeline. Conducted pre and post construction reports, WEAP trainings, managed field natural resources and environmental compliance, collaborating with SCG biologist and project managers.
Southern California Edison Water Valley Project, CA, Authorized Desert tortoise biologist. Provided desert tortoise, kit fox, burrowing owl, botanical, avian nest monitoring, and avian surveys for SCE’s telecommunication line connecting Victorville and Barstow substations to the Abengoa Mojave Solar Project. Received SCE substation training, FRED training. Issued WEAP trainings to SCE contractors.
Southern California Gas Company Line 3000 improvements, CA, Lead field biologist. Conducting desert tortoise, kit fox, avian, botanical, and reptile surveys and compliance inspections along a 150-mile improvement to a 36” SCG transmission pipeline from Kingman, AZ to Barstow, CA. Conducted NBC field training to new personnel, pre, daily, and post construction reports, WEAP trainings, managed field natural resources and environmental compliance, collaborating with SCG biologist, ARB foreman, and project managers.
Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Site, CA, NV, Authorized Desert tortoise biologist. Provided desert tortoise clearance surveys, transmitter installation, compliance inspection, and protected plant surveys of Ivanpah 1,2, 3 , and the commons area complying with Bechtel and Sundance Biology methodologies during the construction of the 3500 acre 392 MW LPT solar power plant (largest in the world).
Overton Power 9- year Transmission Line Improvements, Authorized DT biologist-botanist. Provided DT, botanical, avian, kit fox, and archaeological surveys for the transmission line from Moapa to Mesquite, NV. Assisted with botanical reports and EIS construction, drafting the visual resource, geology, and wildlife components of the report.
Boulder City Regional Training Facility, Authorized DT biologist. Provided DT, avian and botanical surveys and tortoise fence construction compliance inspections for the construction of training facilities including gun range, auto course, and detonation center.
CR Reward Corporation, Gold Ace mine, Beatty, NV, 2009. Authorized biologist. Conducted initial DT surveys for drilling and tortoise fence install/ inspection along ten miles of DT fence installation for gold mining operations.
Bullfrog Gold Project, Jolly Jane, Sierra Blanca, Yellow Jacket, Beatty, NV, 2009. - Archaeological assistant- Conducted and recorded historic and pre-historic sites on Bullfrog mine allotments, alongside principle archaeologist. Received mine safety training on site
Eureka Mine Project, Ruby Hill, Adam’s Hill, Eureka County, NV 2009- Archaeological assistant and Biologist- Conducted baseline survey transects and recorded historic and pre-historic sites near Eureka, NV alongside principle archaeologist for the National Register of Historic Places
Bare Mountain/Carrera Area Mine Project, Beatty, NV, Authorized DT biologist. Conducted initial DT surveys for drilling and tortoise fence install/ inspection along ten miles of DT fence installation.
SNWA Wastewater Improvements Project, Searchlight, NV. Authorized DT biologist. Provided DT surveys, reports, and compliance inspection during drilling and water pipeline installation for the SNWA wastewater project.
NDOT, U.S 95 Northwest Project, Horse Drive Interchange, Authorized DT biologist. Provided Desert tortoise and environmental compliance reports during construction connecting Washington Ave. to Kyle Canyon Road along U.S 95.
Underline Distribution Line at Henderson Executive Airport. Authorized DT biologist. Provided DT and environmental inspection and reporting during construction to install underground distribution lines.
Clark County DT Hotline/ pickup service. Authorized DT biologist. Responded to DT hotline calls and provided pick up and DTCC drop off services of Clark county residential DT’s.
Chemical Lime Co Plant Operation Expansion. Authorized DT biologist. Provided clearance surveys and relocations of desert tortoises for Chem-Lime expansion project. Received onsite mining and hazardous materials training.
SCE Transmission Line Access Road Improvements through the Mojave National Preserve. Authorized DT biologist. Provided WEAP trainings, survey, compliance inspection, and reporting during road improvements through the MNP.
SCE Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project (TRTP) preliminary surveys. Authorized DT biologist. Provided DT, kit fox, BUOW surveys and reporting during the initial surveys before construction near Lancaster and Palmdale, CA along with general flora and fauna inventories.
NV Energy Harry Allen expansion and access road construction. Lead DT field biologist. Provided survey and compliance inspection for road construction and erection of natural gas combined cycle plant. Managed a crew of five DT biologists during survey and construction activities including DT fence inspections, protected plant ID and relocations.
USFS Wildlife and Botanical intern. Assisted USFS biologist and botanist conduct threatened and endangered species (TES) surveys and reports in the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area (SMNRA). Conducted auditory and visual point count avian surveys for the Great Basin Bird Observatory (GBBO), TES plant surveys for blue tree trail system and Forest Service archival location records, Charleston Peak TES plant and modified Whittaker plot surveys. Assisted with restoration practices including collecting native seeds, helping organize and assist volunteer events to reclaim OHV roads, restored high elevation spring fed wetlands, and photo monitoring. Assisted with BLM mine closure botanical and bat surveys. Provided soil composition surveys after instruction by USFS soil scientist/agronomist. Accredited in alpine wilderness survival and first aid.
NV Energy, Silver Flag Substation. Authorized DT biologist. Provided WEAP trainings, survey, compliance inspections, and reporting during the entire NV Energy 138 KV substation build. Primary field contact with NV energy environmental engineers and inspectors.
Frehner Construction Highway Repaving Batch Plant and Gravel Pit. Authorized DT biologist. Provided project survey, fence inspections, compliance inspections, and GPS data mapping for client during the reopening of gravel pit and batch pit for a highway resurfacing project along Highway 160 in Nye County, NV.
Ash Grove Limestone Quarry and Plant. Authorized DT biologist. Provided DT, avian, botanical, kit fox, big horn sheep, rattle snake, and Gila monster surveys, clearances, relocations, and compliance inspections during road construction and core drilling construction activities on American Indian Reservation Land Received NBC DT monitoring training.
AmeriCorps. Intern. Assisted principle investigators in conducting DT population surveys in the Mojave Desert. Collected field data, including health assessments, weight, MCL, placed FWS tags, blood samples, ultrasounds. Radio telemetry transmitter fitting, removals, tracking, and behavior monitoring; recorded invasive plants, OHV travel routes, kit fox encounters, GPS / compass navigation, Desert four-wheel drive training, data analysis. Worked in the desert tortoise conservation center (DTCC) providing health assessments, fence construction/repair, burrow construction, tortoise care, nest and egg care, and juvenile feeding. Trained by UNR staff on biology, habitat ecology proper handling techniques, on styro-tort transects, USFW Permitted to handle wild tortoise.
Migratory Bird Banding Program. Volunteer. Participated in Avian Research and Education Institute (AREI) migratory bird banding program at station MUBO instructed by North American Banding Counsel (NABC) trainer and director Dr. David Russell. Duties included netting, banding, identifying, weighing, measuring, and data recording.
Miami University (OH) Undergraduate Research Work. Undergrad research/laboratory assistant. Mr. Scurlock participated in Undergraduate research work in the Zoology dept. Laboratory, assisting 3 PHD and 6 MS students on a variety of projects including: Tributary sampling, reservoir zooplankton research, larval gizzard shad experiment: atrazine research: Zebra Mussel research: Conducted research at the Ecological Research Center and Acton Lake reservoir constructed mesocosm facilities, aided in experimental design, limnological sampling for light, nutrients, chlorophyll, O2, NVSS, zooplankton, and phytoplankton, collected and filtered lab samples, performed sterilization procedures, designed protocols, performed numerous lab and field hydrologic analyses, electroshocking, sediment, and stream invertebrate sampling
Volunteer Experience
National Park Service, Lake Mead bio blitz avian expert. since 2016
Red Rock Rendezvous, Instructor GPS, Compass, and orienteering clinics during the annual rock climbing event, since 2010
Friends of Nevada Wilderness, Sampling spring sites of the Spring Mountain National Recreation Area, since 2015
Southern Nevada Water Authority, Part of the Las Vegas Valley Wash Coordination Committee, assisting organization of volunteers to rehabilitate tributaries to Lake Mead. since 2010
Get Outdoors Nevada, A hike leader and SMNRA cleanup volunteer. Since 2008